February 24, 2023

Spring Half Term Round Up: Exciting Activities at Riverside Primary School

Riverside Primary School has been busy so far this spring term with a variety of engaging activities to enhance our pupils' learning experiences. From drama to sports and maths club, pupils have been enjoying fun and educational activities that challenge their skills and knowledge. 

Year 5 Taster Morning at The Cedars Academy 

Year 5 pupils visited The Cedars Academy for a taster morning, where they took part in a drama activity. They used props to improvise a scene and took part in warm-up activities that equipped them with the skills needed to perform a drama piece. The children had a fantastic time and learnt valuable skills in the process. 

They also had the opportunity to design and create their own wind twisters. They learnt about thermoplastics and how some materials have memory so they can be reshaped. This workshop allowed pupils to get creative and learn about the properties of different materials. 

Year 6 PCSO Visit 

Year 6 pupils had a visit from a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) who talked to them about how punishment fits the crime and how this has changed over the years. This visit supported their learning within their topic of 'Crime and Punishment' and gave them an insight into how the justice system works. 

Maths Club 

On Tuesdays, our maths magicians have helped create a maths Club where children across the school can play educational maths games to help enhance their skills. This club has been popular with pupils and has helped to improve their confidence and enjoyment of maths. 

Basketball Fixture 

This month, a team of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils took part in a Basketball fixture against other local schools. The team learnt lots of new skills and showed excellent sportsmanship. It was a great opportunity for pupils to develop their teamwork skills and compete against other schools. 

Overall, it has been a busy and exciting winter term at Riverside Primary School, with lots of activities and events that have enriched pupils' learning experiences. We look forward to more exciting activities in the second half of the spring term!